Jobs & Careers
at Cebo

Thank you for your interest in joining team CEBO. At this moment, we do not have any job vacancies available.

If you want to operate in a challenging and energizing environment, find your fit in our opportunities. We are always on the lookout for enthusiastic colleagues who would like to join our team!

Send your resume to Lonneke Booms, HR Manager, and she will contact you to discuss various opportunities available within CEBO. In the meantime, you can stay connected with us through our social media channels to receive notifications about future openings.

Our current jobs

As soon as a vacancy becomes available it will be posted here.

Stories from Cebo



Remco Klink -
Sales & Business Development

Coordinator Sales and Business Development

"I started as a Sales Assistant at Cebo on 1st May 2019 and now work as a Sales & Business Development Coordinator within the Energy & Performance Minerals and Business Development departments. There is a lot of overlap between the activities of these departments, but there are differences and that makes my job very versatile.


In Business Development, my focus is on the development of new products and associated research, and other times on sales and support of our current customer base from our Energy & Performance Minerals department.


As a result, one moment I am at an office building talking about our current products from our E&PM department, and the next moment I'm at a farm to take samples from a stable for further data substantiation for our FX products. I take these to our laboratory with a car full of litter and manure samples,  so that these can be further investigated and tests can be done with them. 


My work is not the same every day and that is what makes the job so interesting. You have a nice mix of activities in the field of sales, marketing, product development.


Together with our Business Development Manager and our Energy & Performance Minerals Manager, we form a strong team and work closely together. Of course, cooperation with the other departments within Cebo is also very important. The great thing about Cebo is that everyone is ready for each other and is willing to roll up their sleeves if necessary, but we also make time for a chat and a joke if possible."

Pascal van Zijll -
Production & Operations

Operator within the Cebo Mill

"Through an employment agency, I started with Cebo, working at the bagging plant to lower the big bags. I was then permanantly hired.


I then moved onto the Floor Operations Department (Distribution) where I, together with a team of colleagues, was responsible for loading and unloading trucks and ships. 


Since last year, I have worked in the mill as an Operator. This was a nice step for me. In the mill, the entire production process starts.  


No two days are the same. One moment you are in the control room and you have a view of the mill through the systems and the monitoring of the processes is central. The next moment, you are working in the mill itself to convert one of the three mills at a product transition, to solve a malfunction, etc.


I also obtained my shovel certificate at Cebo, so that I can work as an Operator within the mill. We work in a three-shift system. This has its advantages because it gives me more free time during the week. Of course it is also quite tough sometimes, but with a young family I am happy with this way of working!"

